
Mark Montalban and Cynthia Phelps have come together to host the Techquanimity Podcast to discuss the intersection of technology, mindfulness, and compassion with the goal of helping 1 billion people reach a greater sense of techquanimity.

Techquanimity is achieved by integrating technology with wellbeing practices to reach a state of calm and balance. With the new AI tools the speed of technology development and change is going at a pace faster than we have ever experienced. 

In this fast-paced world the need for contemplative practices is more important than ever. This includes using mindful awareness to guide our use and strategic development of technology and self-compassion to help ease the suffering.

The Techquanimity Podcast is focused on how we can take these contemplative practices and leverage technology to incorporate them into our lives and workplaces. Guests include folks who are working to make positive changes in work culture such as human resource professionals, change agents, organizational effectiveness & development experts, and executive leadership coaches.

The Techquanimity Podcast also explores the design and development of technologies that penetrate our lives, particularly those that integrate contemplative practices into our lives and workflows. Guests include tech company founders, executives, wellness experts, and folks using mindfulness and compassion to affect change. 

By tuning into the Techquanimity Podcast you will stay abreast of the latest developments in mindfulness and compassionate tech, as well as hear the journeys of our guests as they began to discover mindfulness to where they have created careers and businesses in this sector. At the end of each show we ask the guests: “What does it mean for you to reach techquanimity?” The many individual responses provide a range of lenses to view our own relationship with technology and give us ideas about how to be equanimous in our current world.